Our Final Music Video

Our Final Album Cover

Our Final Album Cover

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Lipsync Practice

Jocelyn Brown: Somebody Else's Guy

I really enjoyed making our lip sync video as it was a song I loved and is good experience to have, as in our real music video, we have all decided to act in it. At first I found the act of lip-syncing extremely difficult; although I knew the song very well, it was hard to keep in time to the music and on more than one occasion I messed up the lines. But then half way through Amelia told me to start actually singing the words and this helped greatly, so in our actual project, I will deffinitly sing the words aloud. In preparation, me and Amelia practiced singing the song to each other and I listened to "Somebody Else's Guy" on my iPod on the way to school a few times, so that I could remember the lyrics.
With the actual acting, me and Amelia discussed how we wanted to present ourselves. We wanted to be very over the top and expressive, and I think this comes across well. I think we would have benefitted from more than one take, however, as there are not enough close-ups ("money shots") of our faces and this would have made a nice contrast to all the Mid-shots we had. My favourite part of our video is the very beginning, which is very slow and the part where we are most enthusiastic. For future shooting, this has taught me that we need to leave enough time to take more footage, and that practicing beforehand is very worthwhile.